
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that most people will only buy land maybe once or twice in their lifetime. You want to make sure you’ve got it right. We want you to be happy with your purchase and that’s why we give you some time to make sure. Within 60 days, if you aren’t fully satisfied with your land purchase you have two options. The first option is you can put the money you have invested with us toward another property you like better. The second option is we refund your money.

Cancel Anytime Comfort Guarantee

When you have purchased land from us using seller financing, you can cancel your contract at anytime. No debt collection, no litigation. If you have a significant life event and you need to cancel, simply contact us and we will stop your payments. ALSO, we thank you for trusting in us for your land purchase and we want to honor that. When you again start looking for land, we will honor your investment and put it toward a property of your choosing.